Time to take down the mini tree and pack it away for the next 11 months. (Yes, I own a mini green sparkly tree with lights that sits dangerously close to the ceiling. When you own a destructive cat, this is pretty much the only way to enjoy a tree.) This glass Christmas Pickle is my favorite ornament, and I'm sad to say that a quick web search has just dashed my beliefs that hanging a pickle in your tree brings you a year of good luck. Oh, what does the Internet know anyway. I might just keep my pickle out all year long.

I stopped into High*Rise on Larimer for a breakfast sandwich this afternoon (I got a late start due to all those mimosas yesterday), and was amused to find that they gave their signature mural a sweater for the chilly season. I love the feel of this place and the giant "HI!" sign on the wall always makes me smile.

And finally, onto Mr. Jack, my favorite photography candidate. He wasn't very stoked about having a camera stuck in his face for about 10 minutes, and I wish you could see the series of shots I took, which show him getting progressively pissed off. I like how you can see my reflection in his eye.
I heart jack...until he bites me. then I heart him less so...